frequently asked questions

When you place an order with our company, we ask you to provide us with such personal information as your name, phone number, and email address. We need this data to keep you updated on the important things related to your order or account.

We offer original samples that can be used legally in a number of ways if properly referenced:

  • As a source of arguments or ideas for your own research
  • As a source of additional understanding of the subject
  • For direct citing

Nonetheless, check your college’s/university’s policies, including their definition of plagiarism and paraphrasing before using our services. Make conscious decisions in regard to your education.

We complete each paper from scratch and in order to make you feel safe regarding its authenticity, we check it for plagiarism before its delivery. Unlike popular plagiarism detection systems which are used by most universities (e.g., we do not report to any public databases—therefore, such checking is safe.

No, we do not have such a database. All papers you order from us are written from scratch. This means your paper is unique and has never been published before—neither will it be published after we deliver it to you.

Yes, you can. If your paper needs graphic representation, we can make additional slides and charts that support written material. Slides and charts will cost you half the price of a page, which also depends on the complexity and academic level of your paper.