Communication 12 | English homework help


As we wrap up our class together, let’s go back to this earlier quote….

Face to face conversation is the most human.png

Do you recognize it from the first week of class? Do you think you can now explore the meaning behind the message? As you reflect back on the many concepts and principles of Interpersonal Communication we experienced over the past several weeks, spend time exploring…

  • What the quote is saying to you
  • Why you are sure that you know this 
  • How this quote may impact your personal life and career aspirations, and finally
  • Why you believe it is fitting to conclude our class focusing attention on this final quote

Create a minimum 500-word response for this assignment based on the above prompts. Incorporate personal perspective along with support from course materials over the entire session. Your work should be original (not copied from previous writing) and your own.

Take this opportunity to share what you have learned and how it has impacted you.