Need help with 10 half page journals.



1- Journal Topic : “Changes” – what changes are you experiencing this term and how do you 


feel about them.


2- Journal Topic- “Stressors”- what stressors have you encountered since last class and how 


are they affecting you-physically, emotionally –how are you responding/coping with them.


3- Journal Topic- “Time” – if time were money, do you spend it wisely? and if someone 


“gave” you two extra hours today, how would you use that extra time?


4- Journal Topic:  Nutrition – How do you feel about your current level of nutrition- what do 


you feel like you are doing well, what would you change?  If there were no obstacles 


(time,money,etc.), how would you feed and hydrate your body?


5- Journal Topic: Exercise – How do your feel about your current physical fitness level? 


 What are you currently doing? In a perfect world, what would your exercise program look 




6- Journal Topic-  “I am a human being not a human doing”


Where do you derive your personal value?  What percentage is based on what you “do” as 


opposed to who you “are”?


7- Journal Topic – “Sleep”  Are you getting enough sleep?  If not, are there things you could 


change to help you get there?  Do you have good sleep hygiene (habits)?


8- Journal Topic- “Midterms and School” – How are you doing/feeling at this point concerning 


school?  What things do you need to do/change?  Write out your “to do” list and prioritze 


your time.


9- Journal Topic- “Peace” – Do you “feel” at peace currently?  If not, why not-what is 


disrupting your peace?  What things, people or places help you feel “peaceful”?


10- Journal Topic – “Love” –  What makes you feel loved.  Who currently or in the past do you 


feel loved by?