Describe an image and its purpose using different elements of art.

 Describe an image and its purpose using different elements of art. Use clear descriptions so that the imagery of the image is clear to someone that has no idea what the picture is. State the purpose or what the message of the image is, in the thesis statement. The essay will have 2 parts. Part 1 should be 4 pages  and is a formal analysis. A formal analysis  involves connecting your observations of the work’s formal elements to an interpretation of the work, which is expressed in your thesis statement. Part 2 should be 2 pages and is basically telling why we should care about the image and what it represents. Questions to be answered in part 2 are as follows: What are some of the key meanings created by visual means? What are some messages this work and the artist conveys to the viewer? What is this work all about? Part 2 is making visual connections between visual form and cultural meaning. Part 1: 4 pages, Part 2: 2 pages, and there are to be no outside sources!