Unit 8 | Environmental science homework help
Reviewing the Eight-Step Model Our textbook presented eight steps to completing a research report. While your final paper in the previous unit went through the research proposal step, it is still important to be familiar with the final steps in the process for future endeavors. For this assignment, take on the role of instructor, and design a PowerPoint assignment explaining each of the eight steps in the process. Do not simply paste information from the textbook or any other source. Use text sparingly on each slide and use the Notes section to further explain the bullet point material you have included on each slide. Please do not paste paragraphs of small font onto the slides. Include at least one slide for each of the eight steps. Remember to support your points with scholarly material and include citations where needed to show from where the information came. Include a full APA style reference slide at the end. Do not forget to include a title slide with your name on it. For guidance in creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, review the following resource created by the CSU Writing Center. http://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/powerpointbestpractices/ For a simple guide on inserting speaker notes into your presentation, click here to view the document PowerPoint Speaker Notes.