Mis 600 week 2 assignments
MIS 600 Information Systems Capstone Keller
Week 2
MIS 600 Week 2 Individual Discussion Milestone 1
MIS 600 Week 2 Presentation to Management
MIS 600 Week 2 Project Paper – Milestone One
Welcome to Week 2! Here are the activities this week.
1. (10 points) Hold at least one iConnect meeting with your team and record it (this is part of your participation grade).
2. (10 points) Ensure that you meet individual posting requirements in the graded discussion area (this is also part of your participation grade).
3. (10 points) Fill out a Team Status Report by end of week and turn it in to the Dropbox. There is a status report template in the Dropbox. Be sure to show which team member is responsible for each of the course deliverables in the course and the due dates for each deliverable. Also, indicate when you plan to have your team meeting in Week 3.
4. (75 points) Milestone One—The project document you will prepare throughout the class should be prepared using APA guidelines. The paper should be double-spaced, using Arial or equivalent, 12-point font. One team member should submit the completed Milestone Project Paper to the Dropbox for the team each week. This week the Milestone Project Paper should contain the following items.
A. Cover Page
B. Table of Contents
C. Executive Summary
D. Project Charter (Scope Definition)
E. Project Value Statement
5. (50 points) PowerPoint Presentation to Management—The presentation to management should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint. In the presentation, you should discuss the project you are undertaking, the scope, and key points on the value of the project to the business. The presentation should be created as though you were convincing senior management of the value of this project. This presentation will both be posted this week in the Dropbox and recorded in iConnect.
Top Dog Hotdog is an MIS project that focuses on developing a cloud-based information system that is aimed at aiding the Top Dog Hotdog business to effectively manage different business operations. The system will contain a number of modules that include communication management, payroll management, procurement management and inventory management modules. The modules will focus on solving the problems experienced by the business in management of its operations. These problems are solved differently by different modules. In this regard, the project developer will…