The indiana superintendent of public education is concerned about


3. MBB Problem 10.20: The Indiana Superintendent of Public Education is concerned about whether the state’s schools will meet this year’s achievement targets for performance on standardized tests. Specifically, this year’s goal is an average pass rate of 81% at the state’s 1,500 high schools. Because the state has not yet received all of the data from each school, the superintendent takes a random sample of 150 schools from the available reports to see whether this goal is within reach. The sample mean is 80.6 with a standard deviation of 7.6. What should the superintendent conclude from these data? (Note: The data set for this problem is posted on Blackboard.)

4. MBB Problem 11.12: The Heavenly Grace Christian Elementary School has decided to examine whether using biblical materials to teach reading has an impact on reading levels. Last year, a test revealed that the average sixth-grade student read at a 5.7 grade level. This year, after all secular humanist material was deleted from the curriculum, a 20-person sample of the sixth-grade student body was tested, with the following results: mean = 6.4; standard deviation = 1.9. Present a hypothesis and a null hypothesis, and evaluate them. State your conclusion in plain English.

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