Essay course citiations are attached | SYG | Florida International University, Modesto A. Maidique Campus

To support your points, use examples from readings and lectures. You will need to provide at least 3 course citations. The textbook is included as a course citation.COURSE CITIATIONS ARE ATTACHED

 The length of your essay should be roughly 3.5–4 pages double spaced, 12 point Times New Roma, 1-inch margins.

Please answer all of the following questions: 

1.) Describe the natural history of a social problem (6 stages). 

2.) Who are claimsmakers?

a. How do insider and outsider claimsmakers differ? 

b. Who are expert claimsmakers? How have they changed historically? What are some of the new concerns regarding expert claimsmakers? 

3.) What is the role of media and media coverage in claimsmaking?

 a. How does the media affect claimsmaking? 

b. What are some limitations of the media? 

4.) Describe some ways that we, as ordinary citizens, can be involved in the social problems process.

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