Discussion post – time, place, and history and communicating

  NEED TO ANSWER ALL TWO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question 

question 1


After reading the poem and selected short stories for this week, you should have noticed that the stories share a commonality of how history, culture, and the background of the author all played an important role in developing works of literature in the 20th century.

For your initial discussion post, share your thoughts on how history, culture, and the background of the author played key roles in developing one of the stories and on the poem you were assigned.

  • How are men portrayed versus women?
  • What key struggles did the characters undergo which revealed important information about the time period and their culture or background?

Your initial post should name the specific work and use quotes or lines from the readings. Be sure to acknowledge the source.

question 2


In this discussion, you can either choose one of the website screenshots below, or you can provide a screenshot of one of your favorite professional websites.

Be sure to analyze the impact of visuals on the specified targeted audience:

  1. How do visual organization patterns (similarity, proximity, continuity, etc.) affect the responses of potential website users or clients?
  2. How might visual simplicity or complexity seen in the layout of the main website page affect the responses of potential website users or clients?
  3. Does the website have any visual interactive elements to engage website users? Why is it important to use these on websites?
  4. Why might this be important for you to understand in your future professional and life experiences?

*Remember— Analysis requires that you substantiate your ideas with quotes from academic sources and experts in the field. Analysis without substantiated evidence is opinion. Use your etextbook, another academic article or source, or a career or real-life example to support your analysis points in your initial discussion post to demonstrate your full comprehension of the topics.

Be sure to respond to At least one peer post. Response(s) should involve more than just repeating or acknowledging another student’s points; responses should foster further discussion by exploring new lines of information, perspectives, and questions. Lastly, responses should not contain mechanical or grammatical errors.

Image courtesy of: https://www.rasmussen.edu/

Image courtesy of: https://www.pepsi.com/en-us/

Image courtesy of: http://mariosmusiccompany.com/

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