6 pages due in 24 hours | ECE 205 Introduction to Child Development | Ashford University


Welcoming Children and Families: A Family Resource Guide

[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]

One of the keys to a successful early learning environment is building a strong foundation with children and families. For your Final Project, you will have the opportunity to create an informational packet aimed at helping children and families make a smooth transition into your early learning environment.

To prepare for this assignment,

· Refer to the Week 5 Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success on this assignment

· Review and download the Week 5 Exemplar TemplatePreview the document

· Read the required and recommended resources for this week.

o Remember that any applicable resource used throughout this course can support the requirement for four scholarly resources for this assignment.

· If you did not begin the development of your ePortfolio in ECE 101, read Portfolium Student GuidePreview the document to help you set up your ePortfolio.

· Choose from one of the following age ranges:

o Infancy: Birth – 12 months

o Toddler: 1 – 3 years

o Early childhood: 4 years – 8 years

Scenario: You are in the process of preparing your learning environment for a new set of children. To help families and children have a successful transition into your classroom, you have decided to put together a resource guide to give to families. This guide will serve as a resource that your families will use throughout the year to help them have a better understanding of who you are as a professional, how you will create a positive learning environment, the resources they have available to them, and why you believe a strong home-school connection is important.

Based on your chosen age range, include the following in your Family Resource Guide:

Section 1: Personal Introduction

· Complete a short personal bio that includes the following:

o Provide your name, location, and something about yourself that your families would find interesting

o Describe why you chose to become an early childhood professional and what you love about working with children in this age range (be sure you are specific about the age range).

o Explain what you believe are the most important indicators of professionalism that you possess.

Review your Planning for the Future discussion post that you finished earlier this week post to help you complete this section.

Section 2: Importance of Early Learning

· Explain the important role that high quality care can have on a child’s overall growth and development.

· Identify two key theories of child development (e.g., Gardner, Vygotsky, Piaget, Skinner, Bronfenbrenner, etc.) that resonate with you as an early childhood professional.

o Describe each theory and its connection to Developmentally Appropriate Practice within the classroom.

Review your Developmental Theory: Your Toolbox discussion post from Week 2 to help you complete this section

· Discuss at least one way in which you differentiate learning experiences based on typical development, atypical development, and culture.

Review your Typical or Atypical Development? discussion post from Week 1 to help you complete this section.

Section 3: Environment

· Include a picture of the layout of your ideal classroom. Describe how your room design reflects the way you believe children learn best.

· Using the description from your Developmentally Apprpriate Practice: The Key discussion in Week 2, create a classroom layout using the Classroom Architect (Links to an external site.) or to the Gliffy (Links to an external site.)

·  (Links to an external site.)Explain how your learning environment (for your chosen age range) nurtures the development of every child in each of the domains listed below.


· Describe the specific classroom practices or strategies that reflect your philosophy of how to support young children’s cognitive development.


· Describe at least one of the ways you support the development of children’s positive self-concept and growing social/emotional skills.

· Reflect on your philosophy of guiding young children’s positive behaviors. How do you constructively deal with young children’s challenging behaviors?


· Describe ways to promote the communication/language development among all children including dual language learners.


· Describe your specific classroom practices or strategies that reflect your philosophy of how to support young children’s physical development.

Section 4: Families

· Describe the important role that families have on the overall growth and development of children and why you value them in your classroom.

o Review your Conversations With Families discussion post from Week 4, to help you complete this section

· Describe ways in which you ensure that families are kept aware of what’s happening in their child’s daily/weekly life in your classroom.

o Review your Family Interest discussion post from Week 4 to help you complete this section.

· Explain how you ensure that you are aware of what’s happening in each child’s home life. Tell how that awareness directs your teaching practices.

· Complete a resource page for families that includes the following resources in your local area:

o The name and contact information (phone number, web site, etc.) of a local agency that provides family counseling.

o The name and contact information (phone number, web site, etc.) of a translation service for families whose home language is other than English.

o The names, contact information, and brief descriptions of at least two agencies in the community that provide resources and services for children with disabilities.

o A list of three or more websites, and brief descriptions of each, that provides current information to help families understand how young children develop and learn.

· You can use readings or resources presented throughout this class, or new ones you feel are appropriate.

Assignment Submission Requirements

· This assignment will be submitted to Waypoint, as well as added to your ePortfolio. Refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.

· Additionally, you will submit this Final Project to your ePortfolium.

o As you know, maintaining an ePortfolio can be beneficial when seeking employment. It is not uncommon for potential employers to want to see examples of your work and abilities. Additionally, for those of you who seek to continue on after Ashford and obtain your Child Development Associate (CDA), portions of this final assignment can be used to meet the Council for Professional Recognition’s portfolio requirements. To add this assignment to your ePortfolio, access Portfolium using the link along the left navigation menu, and add the document to your body of work.

For this assignment, you must submit

· A link to your electronic portfolio in Portfolium. To do this you will copy and paste the web address into the comments feature in Waypoint.

· A Word document including your completed assignment, as well as the link to your ePortfolio.

o Click on the Assignment Submission button. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard” will appear.

o Browse for your assignment.

o Click Upload.

o Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week’s assignment tab in Waypoint, or clicking on Check Assignment Status within the Meet Your Instructor unit in the left navigation panel.

The Welcoming Children and Families: A Family Resource Guide project

· Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)

· Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

o To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view this Help! Need Article.  (Links to an external site.)tutorial, which can help you find a good starting place for your research.

o The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Required Resource


Wadlington, E., & Wadlington, P. (2012). Teacher dispositions: Implications for teacher education. Childhood Education, 87(5) p. 323-326. doi: 10.1080/00094056.2011.10523206

· The full-text version of this article is available through the ProQuest Central database in the Ashford University Library. In this article, the authors provide information about some of the important professional dispositions needed for those entering the education and early care fields, and will assist you in your Planning for the Future discussion this week.
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Recommended Resource


Childcare Education Institute. (2008). Teacher roles and responsibilities (Links to an external site.). Teacher Enrichment Training Solutions, 3(8). Retrieved from https://www.cceionline.edu/newsletters/August_08.html

· In this article, the author provides information about the many roles and responsibilities early childhood educators have. This information may assist you in your Planning for the Future discussion this week.
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