5 discussion topic need peer reviewed 300 words minimum in apa

Assignment 1

1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please post one federal and one state statute utilizing standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each statute.

2. In the same document, please post one federal and one state statute using standard legal notation and a hyperlink to each case.

Assignment 2

1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.

2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.

3. Please post the hyperlink to one federal case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes.

4. Please post the hyperlink to one state case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes.

Assignment 3

Please choose a topic (tentative, you can change it if you feel you need to later) for your 4000 class project research paper. On a Microsoft word document, please describe that topic and submit that document.

Assignment 4

QUESTION: Identify and briefly discuss one recommendation that should be followed when using a corporate blog for branding, marketing, or public relations purposes.

Assignment 5

SSIGNMENT: From Chapter 6, page 180, Action Needed: Answer Question 1.

You have been asked to draft a corporate usage policy regarding the use of instant messaging. The policy should encourage the use of IM and chat while also providing useful guidance to avoid potential problems. What would you say in the policy?

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