Answer the question | Management homework help
I have an assignment for Management theory and practice.
-All you need is to watch the video and answer 3 questions about the video in one written page.
-Also, I attached the chapter related to the lesson if you need to get through something you need.
– Make sure to have the assignment on time.
– The time zone here is the central time zone “Dallas” USA, which is 5 hours remaining until the due time.
I need it today at 3:00PM Texas time.
The video link:
The questions are:
1- What type of team did Nikki Brush participate in when she was a freelancer?What type of team does she participate in as a full-time employee at Holden?
2- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using teams at Holden? What can managers do to help avoid the disadvantages?
3- What steps do the leaders of Holden take to insure that their workgroups have high levels of cohesion?
Thank you,,