Discuss how biological solid waste processes benefit or could benefit

 Discuss how biological solid waste processes benefit or could benefit your community. Do you compost organic waste, such as food waste? Does your community collect the organic portion of your solid waste separately from the rest of your solid waste? Do you favor aerobic or anaerobic processes? Why, or why not?



A biological solid waste process could benefit my community by producing compost, fuel and reducing the waste in the landfill. https://bestacademicpapers.xyz/criminal-justice/im-working-on-a-criminal-justice-discussion-question-and-need-an-explanation-to/ We compost yard waste and occasionally scraps from the kitchen, although kitchen scraps mostly go to the chickens. When we had rabbits and goats, the waste from cleaning their pens also went into the compost and we had some amazing fertilizer for the garden! I found out there is a separate pick up for yard waste that the landfill turns into mulch that it gives away for free, https://academicwriterblog.com/writing/im-working-on-a-writing-question-and-need-a-sample-draft-to-help-me-learn-my-to/ but there is no other separation done during collection in my area. It seems to me that an aerobic process would be more favorable as it does not require a tank or container necessarily and can even easily be practiced by individuals via composting at home.