Ig wk9 | Computer Science homework help
2 full pages – 550 words
Your readings in Chapter 9 this week, as well as the handout discussing the risk companies face over unstructured data raises concerns that need to be addressed when a company uses social media.
With your industry in mind, identify and discuss these concerns and address how this can be effectively handled. Support with references and do your usual critical review of at least 2 other students’ posts.
Reading Assignments
Reading AssignmentsTextbook:
Chapter 13 – Information Governance for Social Media
Ahmed, J., Yildirim, S., Nowostaki, M., Ramachandra, R., Elezaj, O., & Abomohara, M. (2020). GDPR Compliant Consent Driven Data Protection in Online Social Networks: A Blockchain-Based Approach. 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), 2020 3rd International Conference on, ICICT, 307–312. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICICT50521.2020.00054
Elsayed, M., Abdelwahab, A., & Ahdelkader, H. (2019). A Proposed Framework for Improving Analysis of Big Unstructured Data in Social Media. 2019 14th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES), 2019 14th International Conference On, 61–65. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCES48960.2019.9068154
Jackson, O. (2018). GDPR: companies at risk over unstructured data. International Financial Law Review, N.PAG.