Activity 2 | Government homework help

Activity 2 Instructions and Worksheet

Watch the presentation by Tim Goeglein, Special Assistant to former U.S. President George W. Bush. Answer the following questions based on his message. This presentation was recorded live at a residential GOVT 220 class in 2013.


Answer the questions fully and organize your answers to match the questions. Proper grammar and spelling are factors in grading.


The best strategy is to watch the entire presentation first, then answer the questions as you listen to it a second time. Include your name, course, and section number when you submit this assignment.


1.      Tim Goeglein cites Ronald Reagan and Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. as major influences on his thought. What did he learn from them?


2.      What evidence does Tim Goeglein offer to support his contention that George Washington was a Christian?


3.      Tim Goeglein discusses 3 major attacks on the Christian foundations of America. What is the first attack he cites? Give some details.


4.      What is the second attack he cites? Give some details.


5.      What is the third attack he cites? Give some details.


6.      At the closing of his presentation, Tim Goeglein discusses our job as Christians, in light of these 3 attacks. How does he describe our job?


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2.