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Reply #1
Charlie Shaver
Bible Study tools
Study Tools Are Integral to Bible Study When studying the Bible it may seem impossible to be able to understand the meaning of the words alone, not to mention being able to understand the meaning, comprehending the context and being able to apply it to your daily lives. This is why having Bible study tools is a very important part of doing a bible study. There are plenty of ways to help you gain a better understanding of God’s word and how to apply it to your daily life. Tools needed include a dictionary and multiple translations of the Bible so you can have a full complete concept of the many ways a single word can be translated. The way one word can change from one meaning to another can make a major difference. Elohim is the plural form of God but its used in the Hebrew language to mean “plural of majesty” as in ‘gods’{false}. Just as the word God can mean Yahweh, Jehovah, or Kurios depending on which translation you are reading. Next tool needed for Bible study is a concordance. A list of important words in alphabetical order. Normally it will also list the scripture and/or passages where the word can be found. A concordance helps you gain a better understanding of the context of the words when you follow the cross references to other passages and see how the words can be implied in different ways. Maps are a great tool also. Just like when you travel to new places the first thing most people do is look at a map to get their bearings ion where they are and where other places are in relation to them. We also use them to get an ideal of where we are going. Using a Bible Atlas in Bible study helps you get an understanding of the area and their relationship to the people and places involved in the passages. Good atlases provide more than maps such as showing the importance of that location in relation to history, archaeology, and topography. There are Bibles called Study Bibles that have most of the tools needed in order to have an in depth understanding of the Bible and the scriptures inside. The last and most important study aid you need is God himself. Praying before a Bible study session for help and guidance and asking for God to allow you to gain the knowledge of His word and to be able to apply it to your daily life is in my opinion one the top 3 study aids you can use.
Reply #2
Congratulation New members!!
You took the first step by surrendering yourself to God. Most believers recommend creating a personal toolbox for reference, but not mandatory. It’s never too late to make a toolbox if you are becoming uncertain a lot. would create on where you can always I recommend creating you a toolbox, such as Bible study, Illustrated Bible Dictionary, HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible) and ESV (English Standard Version) and that’s just a few to name, those are suggestions that you want. As time goes on, you will see what works better for you. You may even change or replace them with other items. For example, you started out with Illustrated Bible Dictionary and HCSB, however you decide that the HCSB is not working, so you decide to switch out and try Bible Study hoping it gives the correct information that you are looking for. The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary and Zondervan Illustrated Dictionary are used for searching and looking over topics, then there’s the Illustrated Bible Handbook or Halley’s Bible Handbook provides a clear and concise overview of each book of the Bible. The Bible Handbook is a tool that works through the Bible book-by-book to highlight key information, typically address issues such as author, audience, date of writing, and purpose for each biblical book. The major translations include the NASB, NIV, ESV, and HCSB (Cartwright J., Gutierrez B., & Hulshof C). The Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary, The Moody Bible Commentary, The MacArthur Bible Commentary, Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible, and the New International Bible Commentary are five of the more robust one-volume commentaries that are important and just as important today. that will help you also. Next, there is a Bible Atlas that few people own today. Atlas are used to provide geographic points that should help you target where the event took place. As a student reads narrative portions of Scripture, a Bible atlas will provide the geographic reference points for understanding where the events took place. It can also identify important elements of topography that are critical to understanding a passage and help pinpoint travel routes, physical features, political barriers, and border lines. Another important tool is a “notebook” Bible, that you will always use. This is a great item to have constantly because you can always go back and look on your page to get information and know where you where to find what you are looking for. These are ideas to get you going and take out or add as you please, remember only you can decide that. Stay blessed.
Cartwright, J., Gutierrez, B., & Hulshof, C. (2016). Everyday Bible study. Nashville, TN: Lifeway Church Resources. ISBN: 9781462740109