Answer questions based on powerpoint content 4
Chapter 5 questions
1. What distinguishes each of the five generic strategies and why some of these strategies work better in certain kinds of competitive conditions than in others
2. The major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage based on lower costs
3. The major avenues to a competitive advantage based on differentiating a company’s product or service offering from the offerings of rivals
4. The attributes of a best-cost provider strategy—a hybrid of low-cost provider and differentiation strategies
Chapter 6 questions
1. Whether and when to pursue offensive or defensive strategic moves to improve a firm’s market position
2. When being a first mover or a fast follower or a late mover is most advantageous
3. The strategic benefits and risks of expanding a firm’s horizontal scope through mergers and acquisitions
4. The advantages and disadvantages of extending the company’s scope of operations via vertical integration
5. The conditions that favor outsourcing certain value chain activities to outside parties
6. When and how strategic alliances can substitute for horizontal mergers and acquisitions or vertical integration and how they can facilitate outsourcing
Choose 2 questions to answer in each chapter.Every answer should be at least 100 words.Show which 2 questions you answered in your work.Finish in 12 hours.