Discussion board 3 reply | ETHC 101 – Introduction to Ethics | Liberty University
Reply: After reading your classmates’ threads, choose one to which you will respond, then write a reply that interacts with your classmate’s thread and presents a well-reasoned alternative to the metaethicthat your classmate is advocating. You do not have to defend a position that is diametrically opposed to your classmate’s position, but you do need to critically evaluate your classmate’s position in a way that points out strengths and possible weaknesses.
The goal of this is to help your classmate to improve his or her theory, so make your criticisms constructive. Be charitable – don’t assume that your classmate is making stupid mistakes, but instead where multiple interpretations are possible, assume that you classmate meant whichever interpretation would make more sense. However, don’t hesitate to point out disputable assumptions, faulty arguments, and alternative possibilities if you are convinced that they exist. In short, criticize politely. If possible, you must reply to a classmate to whom no one else has yet replied. Treat your classmate’s opinion with sensitivity and respect.
This is a university-level writing assignment. Therefore it must be carefully proofread, free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations as if you are texting or sending an email to a friend.
Your reply must be 500–600 words. You will be penalized for falling short or exceeding the word count. Any quotes or information used from sources other than yourself (including your classmate’s thread) must be cited using footnotes in current Turabian and will not count towards the total word count. Please see the attached Rubric
Erica Fudge DB Forum 3
Metaethics is the study of ethics. If one were to adopt an ethical theory would they derive their theory from ethic theories of the past? Inadvertently, the philosophical ethics which have been studied thus far are formed from short biblical extracts. Such as, Aristotle’s Golden Mean or living a virtuous life is biblical however, the Bible communicates no one is perfect. (Romans 3:23, KJV.) Duty Ethics which is similar to the Golden Rule. (Matt. 7:12, KJV.) The Divine Command Theory rationalizes following God’s commandments. The reason philosopher’s have without intention formed principles which include biblical thought is humans are born with a moral compass, a standard for right and wrong, because they are made in God’s image. (Genesis 1:26-27, KJV.) Jones references, “the ultimate reality is God and His actions.” (2017, p. 104.) Human’s reality is living in God’s creation formed by His actions but gifted with the ability and responsibility of free choice. (Gen. 2:16-17, KJV.) The only way humans can be truly moral is by believing in the Lord (Gen. 15:6, KJV.) and asking through communication for wisdom. (James 1:5, KJV.)
The study of ethics must ask the question or moral argument, how can one know what makes an action moral or immoral? Jones answers this question with the statement, “…morality is the reflection of the holy nature of a transcendent God who himself can only be known through His self-revelation.” (2017, p.110.) Does God reveal himself? It is found that God does reveal himself two different ways. God communicates His nature and personal qualities through creation. (Romans 1:20, KJV.) General revelation, “the revelation of God to all people, at all times, and in all places that proves that God exists and that He is intelligent, powerful, and transcendent.” (Got Questions) God also reveals himself through miracles by communicating His, “… specific truths to specific people.” which is called special revelation. (Jones, 2017, p. 126.) “Special revelation includes physical appearances of God, dreams, visions, the written Word of God, and most importantly—Jesus Christ.” (Got Questions) The unsurpassed form of communication on God’s part was revealing Jesus Christ.
“According to Jesus, the Old Testament was God’s specific revelation of Himself, and as such, it was only through the Old Testament that they could correctly perceive God, the world around them, and most importantly, Jesus Himself. The framework of the Old Testament was absolutely essential for understanding Jesus and His teachings. And, in turn, Jesus’ teachings, life, and death shed great light on the Old Testament.” (Powell, 2006. p. 73.)
Now that it has been proven that God does reveal himself is there another question? Science defines ethic as a set of moral principles. Does approaching ethics insist on a set of moral principles? The Bible is not a list of rules or principles to follow hence the elimination of the Divine Command Theory. Divine Nature Theory argues that “God’s commands institutionalize and communicate the good that is part of the unchanging nature of God.” (Jones, 2017, p.104) When the Bible, Christians living word which is God breathed (II Timothy 3:16-17, KJV.) and a source of communication, does not give a specific instruction for a certain behavior or moral issue one uses the method of parallel reasoning. For instance, the Bible does not specifically reference drug abuse; however, one may be guided by the scripture of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, KJV. The Bible shares a believer’s body is the temple, naos, inner dwelling, of the Holy Spirit and one should honor God with their body. This scripture allows one to reason that abusing one’s body is not honoring to God. One must utilize their intellect and responsibility of choice to interpret the scriptures properly. By using fundamental truth from the Bible and God’s self- revelation one forms a system of belief or a chain of reasoning. Jones defines Revelational Christian Ethic as “the best route to a satisfactory ethical system is a reasoned, intelligent study of the Bible together with philosophical ethical theory in pursuit of the goal of becoming better Christians and better people.” (2017, p. 128.)
When specific principles or parallel reasoning is not revealed then one must utilize communication of prayer. One must through prayer and supplication request the Triune hear their calling and provide discernment or direction through the Holy Spirit. In ethical terms the Holy Spirit will guide and reveal the principles on which one must live in their journey of sanctification. Therefore, Revelational Christian Ethics is the best route in terms of ethical reasoning.
My faith and personal relationship with the Triune along with the scientific and historical accuracy of the Bible is the cognitive conclusion behind my ethics choice.
Got Questions. (n.d.). What is General Revelation and Special Revelation? [Web] Retrieved from https://www.gotquestions.org/what-happens-death.html.
Jones, M. S. (2017). Moral Reasoning: An Intentional Approach to Distinguishing Right from Wrong. [E-reader version] Retrieved fromhttps://libertyonline.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781524946562/cfi/2!/4/[email protected]:49.3
Powell, D. (2006). Holman Quick Source Guide to Christian Apologetics. [E-reader]
Retrieved from http://wsb.to/&6HKRkT.