Any topic related to physical science
part 1 – Introduction 400 words “why it is considered important, and the consequences, if any, if not addressed” defining the issue and theme; & how data (information was collected)
part 2 – Data analysis of the data collected. The analysis will consist of descriptive statistics and an objective discussion of the information about the topic chosen. must include:
– PESTEL issue (political, economic, strategic, technology, educational, and Legal) ramifications.
– Analysis (qualitative or quantitative (preferred)
c. Resulting potential solutions
– Include charts, graphs, pictorial depictions of the problem.
– part 3 – Recommendations and Conclusions.
which will be derived from the analysis and in-depth research conducted within the scope of Part 1 & 2. Based on the analysis, recommendations will be also be formulated.
TOTAL around 5 pages