Physics lab report 2 | Physics homework help

  • Discussion and analysis (25 points) – here you analyze the data, briefly summarize the basic idea of the experiment, and describe the measurements you made. State the key results with uncertainties and units. Interpret your graphs and discuss what trends were observed, what was the relationship of the variables in your experiment. An important part of any experimental result is a quantification of error in the result.  Describe what you learned from your results. The answers to any questions posed to you in the lab packet should be answered here.
  • Conclusion (5 points) – Did you meet the stated objective of the lab? You will need to supply reasoning in your answers to these questions.

Overall, the lab report should to be about 5 pages long.

Each student should write his/her own laboratory report.

Duplicating reports will result in an “E” in your final grade.

All data sheets and computer printouts generated during the lab have to be labeled Fig.1, Fig. 2, and included at the end of the lab report.

Lab report without attached data sheets and/or graphs generated in the lab will automatically get a zero score.